Personal Effectiveness

A bespoke course with a mixture of presentations, exercises, group discussions and individual reflections.

The course includes concrete methods and techniques on how to become more effective through both practical tools and through self awareness and insights into how to prioritise, be organised and feel in better control of a high workload, often with competing demands.

Examples of content include:

Empowerment including:

  • A positive mindset

  • Increase self-awareness

  • Taking responsibility 

Time Management including:

  • Awareness of time thieves 

  • Organisation techniques

  • Prioritisation 

Stress management: 

  • The pillars of stress resilience

  • The importance of perspective 

  • Mindfulness & breathing techniques

 “Charlotta always leave our staff enthusiastic and energised. The positive effects are noticeable and lasting and I would recommend them to any organisation that strives for a positive culture with motivated and engaged employees. She's been delivering regular talks at UBS since 2008 and we look forward to many more." 

Diane Grandison, UBS Authorised Officer